Contact us

Write a message and we will help you! NOTE, all types of towing service are referred to telephone.

Autotech i Gällivare AB performs towing services and roadside assistance in Gällivare, Kiruna and Jokkmokk. We offer salvage emergency services around the clock, all year round! In our BDS store at Energiplan 3 in Gällivare, you will find accessories and spare parts from leading manufacturers. We repair and service all types of vehicles.

Energiplan 3, 982 38 Gällivare

Store & Workshop 0970-66 555
Towing Gällivare 0970-107 00
Towing Kiruna 0980-101 00
Towing Jokkmokk 0971-103 00

Opening hours store & workshop weekdays 07-16

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